November 10, 2009

Lets Ponder Children Learn What They Live

By Kajal Himalion, (VII-A)

Rajiv Gandhi Navodaya Vidhyalaya

If a child lives with CRITICISM

He learns to CONDEMNIf a child lives with HOStILITY

He learns to FIGHTIf a child lives with RIDICULE

He learns to be SHYIf a child lives with SHAME

He learns to feel GUILTYIf a child lives with TOLERANCE

He learns to be PATIENTIf a child lives with ENCOURAGEMENT

He learns to be CONFIDENTIf a child lives with PRAISE

He learns to APPRECIATEIf a child lives with FAIRNESS

He learns JUSTICEIf a child lives with APPROVAL

He learns to like HIMSELFIf a child lives with ACCEPTANCE & FRIENDSHIP

He learns to find LOVE in the world

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