October 6, 2009

Child Labour

By Pooja Jain, (X), CJM

"Slavery is not dead."There are millions of children in India,working at a very young age. They are forced to work in inhuman conditions.Children ranging in age from 5 to 15 are forced to work under conditions of debt bondage in the carpet industries of India.The working environment to which children in the carpet industry are subjected is detrimental to their physical health and development.Some children and young people are expected to work excessive hours..The tender age in which children ought to study,is spent begging on the roadsides. Children are exploited by rich merchants and greedy traders. Children are kidnapped or otherwise lured away from their families and imprisoned in sweatshops.
In addition, millions of children are either given or sold at a very early age to another family.Even the parents force their child to work in order to earn more money.Children are expected to play a part in family work from an early age. .Children become a commodity in this process. Parents have absolute power over their children, making it possible for children to be pledged chattel-like to pay off debts.
Many children and young people who work either withdraw from school or find that their educational performance declines because of the work they are doing.In general, girls are more vulnerable to the harmful effects(sexual abuse) of child labour than boys.
The concept of compulsory education, where all school aged children are required to attend school, combats the force of poverty that pulls children out of school. Policies relating to compulsory education force children to attend school and give up their "jobs".

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