November 10, 2009
Me & the Mirror
I want to get back…
By Tanya Dobriyal,
(VII-A)Rajiv Gandhi Navodaya Vidyalaya
If mistake is made by-A Barber- It’s a new style A Driver- It’s an accident A Doctor- It’s an operationAn Engineer- It’s a new ventureA Politician- It’s a new lawA Scientist- It’s a new inventionA Tailor- It’s a new fashionA Teacher- it’s new theoryBut if a student makes a mistake--------It’s a mistake!
Trees Contributed
By Manisha Kothari,
(XI-B)Rajiv Gandhi Navodaya Vidhyalaya
I think that I shall never see A lovely poem as a tree.A tree that looks at God all dayAnd lifts her leafy arms to pray;A tree that may in summer wearA nest of robins in her hair;Upon whose bosom snow has lain Who intimately lives with rain.Poems are made by fools like meBut only God can make a tree.
Memorable Incident
By Vinta Pandey,
Him Jyoti School
Life is a journey. We cannot remember each day, but can recall some of the most striking incidents. Such an incident occurred in my life too and proved to be my most memorable one.It was just a normal day in my life. There was nothing to look forward too, nothing to wait for and nothing to be amused by. I felt I was living in a hostile world where no one was a friend. My parents were suffering too and I could do nothing to help. Suddenly I heard people talking about an exam their daughters were going to give. It was to study in a school in Dehradun. My parents and I decided I too should give this exam. Some time passed and I heard I had been selected to study at Him Jyoti, the school opened by the Governor of Uttarakhand. We were overjoyed and full of enthusiasm. I was ready to face any difficulties as I had something to look forward to. I now study in Class IX and am able to do most of my work myself. I really thank Governor Sir for giving me this chance and pray for his long life.
Memorable Incident
Memorable Incident
Memorable Incident
Memorable Incident
Lets Ponder Children Learn What They Live
By Kajal Himalion, (VII-A)
Rajiv Gandhi Navodaya Vidhyalaya
If a child lives with CRITICISM
He learns to CONDEMNIf a child lives with HOStILITY
He learns to FIGHTIf a child lives with RIDICULE
He learns to be SHYIf a child lives with SHAME
He learns to feel GUILTYIf a child lives with TOLERANCE
He learns to be PATIENTIf a child lives with ENCOURAGEMENT
He learns to be CONFIDENTIf a child lives with PRAISE
He learns to APPRECIATEIf a child lives with FAIRNESS
He learns JUSTICEIf a child lives with APPROVAL
He learns to like HIMSELFIf a child lives with ACCEPTANCE & FRIENDSHIP
He learns to find LOVE in the world
The most memorable incident in my life
By Saniya Malhotra, (VI),
St. Joseph's Academy
Just two three months ago I had filled a form for ‘Horlicks wiz kids’ and later got a call from them and they asked me some aptitude questions. From all over Uttarakhand only two kids had to be selected and I was one of them! I had qualified the state level and now was going for the zonal finals to Chandigarh. There were about 2500 students participating in different events and then a few of them were selected for the final round. In this round two of us from Uttarakhand were also present. After a few rounds the winners were announced and I was pleasantly surprised to here my name as one of them. Now I am to represent the entire north zone along with another girl from Chandigarh in the ‘South Asian finals to be held in Bangalore from the 10th to 15th November. The organizers in this competition told us that if we are good then we must give something to our society to make our nation a better place. Thus to share joy and happiness with the under privileged children we had to do a project on child rights. I am working on the right to recreation and expression and have named my project RANGEEN KHWAB. Actually I am finding doing this project more like fun than work. For this project I have been visiting many places where the children who are not so privileged study or live. I made them colour, dance, and showed them magic tricks to entertain them. Even doing this made me feel that I am a very lucky girl and have the best things ever. I live in a clean environment, have clean food. I have learned to be happy with all the things I have and will remember this experience all my life. Warm Regards,Saniya Malhotra.
Victories as memories: Do they really matter???
Child Labour- a blot on civil society
By Shivani Painuli,
Convent Of Jesus & MaryChildren constitute about 36 percent of India’s population and it is national shape that bulks of them still suffer from malnutrition, poverty, diseases, cruel exploitation through forced child labour and beggary. Illiteracy is another curse. It is a shame that out of 30 million street children worldwide, 11 million are Indian children, leading a wretched life, are ill clad and hungry, sleeping on pavement, picking rags, begging or allowing themselves in different trade and occupations.One of the worst forms of exploitation of children is child labour. India has the largest number of child laborers in the world, one third of those under 11 are forced to work, often in dreadful and inhuman condition.Child labour creates a face which is ill equipped in terms of skills to compete in today’s globalised economy.Nearly 87 percent of the child workers are in rural areas working on farm, plantations, fisheries and cottage industries. Though primary education is free and compulsory, a large number of children do not go to school because rural India is caught in vicious circle of poverty. The rural families’ have more children. They don’t feel the pinch of feeding many mouths since more children means more labourers to work.The country’s prevailing scenario of over population, unemployment and poverty, there is no harm if children take to their family vocation. It can be done under their parent’s guidance or adopt non hazardous work. Otherwise they may be exploited by anti social elements for begging and other evil activities.
Nature Nature Around Us
By Piyush Dahiya , (VI), SelaQui World School
Lovely Nature around UsBy Piyush Dahiya , (VI), SelaQui World SchooTrees,
Grass and FlowersGod made especially for us
Grasslands, meadows and forestsRivers, seas and oceans Mountains, Hills and ValleysAll made especially for us
Humans, animals and birdsFishes, toads and crocodilesTiger, lions and elephantsYou, me and everyone
Nature, nature around usLovely nature around usTrees, grass and flowersGod made especially for us.
Memorable Incident
By Nitesh Kotal, (V),
John Martyn Memorial School
The most memorable day in my life was my 10th birthday. In the morning we went to watch a film in a movie hall. The movie was very funny and we all loved it. Then my parents took me to the temple in Rajpur. We said our prayers and got tasty ‘prasad’. We then went to a studio and had our photographs taken. We returned home at 4 p.m. Most of my relatives and friends had already reached home and started singing when they saw me. I played some games with my friends and cut my cake. I got lots of presents. The best present was given by my parents – a video game. We ended the day by dancing.
Memorable Incident
Memorable Incident
By Shreya Kunwar (IV)
John Martyn Memorial School
One day I came out into the veranda to say bye to my uncle who was going to the market. When I turned around to enter the house, I saw a green and black snake. I was scared and I ran to call my father. Then I went running to get a big bamboo stick to kill the snake. My grandmother shouted to me to light a fire so that we could put burn the snake after killing it. I hurriedly tried to gather dried wood and paper. Meanwhile, the snake was not moving and my father hit it hard to kill it. To our surprise the snake jumped after being hit as it was made of rubber! Just then my uncle walked back with a big smile on his face. He had put the snake there to play a joke on us.

By Vinita & Kanika, (VIII-B), Rajiv Gandhi Navodaya Vidyalaya
I want to see the whole world because I saw that place where I was born,there are trees, rivers, mountains, birds, animals, humans and ground, but I want to discover many things which cannot be found. I know that my parents have the trust,that I am the first in earth with love I live god helps us I believe
By Vinita & Kanika, (VIII-B), Rajiv Gandhi Navodaya Vidyalaya
I want to see the whole world because I saw that place where I was born,there are trees, rivers, mountains, birds, animals, humans and ground, but I want to discover many things which cannot be found. I know that my parents have the trust,that I am the first in earth with love I live god helps us I believe
The Exciting Life & Times of Rustam- IV
By Ashima Bhardwaj
Previously: Rustam is lauded for his intelligence by Sir Bruno and is astounded by it. Sir Bruno explains to him the whole incident of attacking him and the reason behind it. He successfully escorts Sir Bruno to the venue. Sir Bruno and I kept ourselves in the shadows, for it would be strange for people to see such a well bred dog as Sir Bruno, walking with a mere, street dog. We took a turn that led straight to the main gate of the City Park, where the get-together was about to start. None of us spoke until we got there, except that I kept trying to look at him up close without turning my neck. So I ended up squinting beyond the ability of my eyes. Cheers and shouts of joy were heard from the crowd when we arrived. Most of the members of the Council were there, except the Secretary, the Treasurer, and a few of my friends. This included Brownie. I wondered where he was. The whole atmosphere was that of friendship, fun and laughter. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, for they had arrived way before the announced time. ‘Street dogs!’, I thought to myself. ‘Have nothing to do except show up at gatherings before time.’The thing that I had failed to realise so far was that in my absence, Brownie had spread word that every member could bring two friends for the purpose of ‘socialising’. This I found out from some random guests who were already high and on the verge of losing their senses completely. They were laughing while saying, ‘This Council sure has a lot more connections than we estimated. Thanks to Brownie, we got to see it for ourselves.’ ‘God! Brownie! I’ll punch you the next time I see you for this.’ I made a promise to myself. He hadn’t realised that making an open invitation to all normal dogs, he had opened the floodgates for our rivals to gel with members of our Council. Trouble was just around the corner. But first I had to find him and escort the Secretary of the Council, Sir Rome and the Treasurer, Sir Paris to the venue. This was going to be easy since they were neighbours but after the incident at Sir Bruno’s residence, I was a little shaken. I wondered what this visit held in store for me. Both Sir Rome and Sir Paris were called so for the sake of giving them respect, but weren’t knights. They had raised this issue at the Annual Meeting of the Greats, held in Milan every year. They argued that they held positions of equal importance in the Council and, therefore, must be addressed with reverence. Ever since then, they had been treated on equal footing with Sir Bruno. Sir Rome’s master was a very fashionable young man, who had inherited him along with his property from his father, who had kicked the bucket only a few months ago. The young man had named him Rome, when he was only a child. And his neighbour was another impressionable young lady who had then, named her dog, what else, but Paris. I didn’t have a long way to go, since they lived just across the boulevard from Sir Bruno’s mansion.
The hill of Gold
By Janette (Janette Biddulph (66) studied at Wynberg Allen in Mussoorie and worked as a warden for 20 years in Reputed School (e.g) Mamta Modern Secondary High School (Delhi), Raja Ram Mohan Roy Academy (Dehradun), Pestle Weed Collage (Dehradun), Col Brown School, Cambridge School (Dehradun) She began writing for children in 1977. She has been living in Dehradun since 1958).Some years ago when I was living in Hyderabad; my best friend wanted to build a house on top of a hill.Let me tell you a little about Hyderabad. It is a very warm place, the rocks, of which there are many, look pink when the sun sets; but normally are a very light brown in color. When my friend and I would sit and talk, we would imagine the place had once been an ocean, and due to an earthquake, the sea receded and the rocks, which are huge, were exposed. That is one of the reasons, the rocks are so smooth and huge and at least this is what we imagined. One day as Bimla and I were sitting chatting on one of the huge smooth, grayish brown rocks; when suddenly she said, “I WILL build a house on top of that hill,” and pointed to one of the highest hills. I laughed and said, “Come on my friend; I’ll race you to the top of that hill and if you win; then some day you will definitely get your wish of building on that hill. That hill that hasn’t got any trees, scrubs or grass on it.” I started running, but Bimla rushed like the wind and reached the top of the hill before me. She stood panting and pointed towards a small bush that had grown up between two rocks. “See my friend; I shall not only build my house here abut will also have a beautiful garden. I may also plant a vineyard and plant a peach tree; where we two sit, relax and chat,” she said grabbing my hand and dragging me about with her, showing me where she planned to plant the peach tree. I laughed loudly and said, “First my friend you will have to get this land which will take some time you mad clown.” “No, dear friend, I shall tell my papa to buy this hill for me as a birthday,” she said seriously.“Ha! Ha! Ha! I Now know that you have gone completely mad; for you know that your father is dead, so how can he get you this land or anything else,” I squeezed her hand, which I had caught while we had been walking. I really loved my friend and wished I could have given her the hill as a gift. She dropped to her knees on the rubble and prayed, “Papa, wherever you are please give me this hill and help me to build a house for myself and n my friend.” I also prayed, asking God to grant my friend her wish, only I stood and looked down at the scenery while waiting for Vimla to finish praying; she stood up and waited in a listening posture; then took my hand which she had let go when she knelt to pray. She led me towards the small bush between the two rocks and sat down; we hadn’t spoken for it seemed as if she were still listening; with a sudden movement she got on her knees, and started moving small rocks from near the bush. “Come on help me move these small rocks,” she said breathlessly. I obliged but asked, “What are we looking for?” ‘Wait and see for I think we will be finding gold here,” I didn’t want to hurt her but had to ask, “Did your father tell you to look here.” She nodded and went on moving more and more small pieces of rock. Suddenly the sun struck rock piece I was about to pick up and it shone; I picked it up and noticed that it was a yellowish color with a golden line running through it. “Look Bimla this rock is very shiny, could it be gold??” She took the rock from my hand, looked at it and said, “Come on I think this is it, let’s go down. On arriving home, she went to her mother and said “See what we have found. Please take it to the shop and have it tested.” Her mother who was a scientist looked at it, then took a hammer and broke and broke it into small pieces, then placed them carefully in a little bag. “Tomorrow I shall take it to the market and have it checked, I think it is gold. Anyway darling, where did you find it? I was surprised at the answer Bimla gave, “We were playing near some rocks and she found it. We shall look for more tomorrow.” She smiled and winked at me. Next day we all went to the market and guess what? The rock was mostly pure gold and we sold it for ten thousand rupees, for gold was five hundred per tola. Bimla asked her mother to find out the price of the hill; but her mother laughed and said, “The hill will cost a couple lacs, whereas a flat will be very cheap here, so let us purchase it.” “No, no, no. I want that hill and I will not be happy until I get it.” “Don’t worry my friend, I shall help you gather all the rock pieces that have gold in them and when we have gathered enough, we shall buy that hill. I am now SURE that you will manage to get that hill, ”I said. We would go, to the top of the hill and gather all the rocks, break them; those with golden lines we would take home and put in a large tin. We gathered rocks with gold for over a month. The tin got quite heavy. ”why don’t you give the tin to your Mom and she can sell it for us,” “why should I give the tin to my Mom she will only ask a lot of question’s? I shall it to uncle and he will do the right thing without asking a lot of question’s and help us buy our hill.” Vimla said O.K. lets see how much gold we do have,” I said as I picked up the tin , and shook it. It weighed about a Kilo and a half. We took the tin to Uncle and emptied it on the table, uncle’s eyes lit up. “where did you find all this gold?” we both laughed happily and said ,“ We have been gathering this gold for over a month as we want to buy a hill, where we intend to live, But first we want you to sell this gold .” Vimla said,” I wonder how much gold is this?” uncle said as if to himself. Uncle took the gold to the market and sold it, it was a little over Kilo. “The shop man asked me where I had got all the gold and I told him I had strained it from the stream. He believed it.” Now girls don’t tell anyone where you are gathering all this gold from. I shall find out who owns this hill and pay this money as a down payment and tell him that we shall pay the balance in six months time.” ”Do Uncle do that as the hill will belong to both of us, we will build a house with a beautiful garden,” Vimla said dreamingly, “I don’t want to live on the hill. You can have the whole place for yourself. It is much too lonely for me,” I replied. She nodded as if she understood, she must have understood too. She loved me very much even though she seemed to care, more for the hill than me.It took us more than five months of hard labor before we managed to pay for the hill; and it took us another six months to be able to build the house. When it was ready, it looked very beautiful, with a lot of artificial trees strung with fairy lights of many colors, and many magic lanterns, The house was cream in color and I really loved the look of the house, even though I wouldn’t like to stay in it for any length of time. I left Hyderabad and only returned after a ten year gap to find a beautiful garden, even a peach tree with a love seat under it, a huge wine yard. I also found a huge sum of gold saved for me by my friend, who told me, “Did you know that my house is built on a gold mine. I have a few selected workers who work for a ten percent basis, therefore I have no lack of money, and I have been saving your half for you. You now are a very rich lady.” I opened a Bank Account and put all that Bimla gave me in it. I stayed with her for one month, and then left for my own home. Bimla would go to town once a month and would give all the children sweets and the very poor, would receive money so that they could live properly. The kids and their parents always looked out for her monthly trips to town. The workers became greedy and demanded fifteen percent of the gold to work. She agreed even though her children didn’t want to give in to their demands. She now had a lot of money and therefore handed the business to her kids, on the condition that they never dig near or under the house or spoil her garden with the peach tree. The workers got even more greedier, and on finding a vein of gold, followed and followed it and one day part of the house just collapsed. Luckily Bimla was out of town, and only her dog and a few workers were injured. Thank God no one died. I still come and stay with my friend Bimla, once in a year and we sit under the peach tree and talk about the old times, and of our lives; but this time I noticed that Bimla seemed much more obsessed with the house and its surroundings. “See how those greedy people are spoiling my house and its surroundings. I shall have to do something or they will demolish my hill. I would die if anything would happen to any of these things.” I tried to calm her down, but she seemed to get more than usual, so I got up and went, packed my bag. I called her son, “Suraj beta, please look after your mother for she seem very depressed. I shall return after a few months. “Yes Aunty, I shall look after my mother, allow me to put you on the train,” he replied. I went and kissed my friend ‘Goodbye.” She was sitting on the steps looking at her peach tree. “Wait my friend, I too will come and see you off as it may be our last meeting.” Catching hands, we walked to the car and then off to the station, where again we said our goodbyes. to be continued.....
November 9, 2009
A Budding Artist….Kabir
Dakaar Maro Ray!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The party goes "BURP"
Technology for Rural India
A ray of hope
This poem is my storyWhen in life I found my glory.One day there was strong thunderThat shook my faith & made me surrender.She entered my life as a ray of hopeShe gave me faith as strong as a Pope’s;She removed my life’s griefAnd gave me comfort and relief.She’s my inspirationWho taught me to deal with situations,And inspired me to work for our nation.She’s my elder sister KanchanAnd is my marvelous relation;I have promised to fulfill her expectationAnd I thank God for His wonderful creation!