By Vimal Kapoor
It is 2 a.m., and well past midnight, after few hours is the crucial Physics exam and he is trying to revise ‘Newton’ and Archimedes’s principle with cotton stuffed in his ears, he wants to pull his hair out in frustration, the reason is that few yards away a ‘Jagran’ is taking place with devotional songs blaring away at the highest pitch!.
The serenity and melody of devotional songs meant to bring peace is destroyed when it is played through loud speakers in temples. Further, it becomes a cause of noise pollution.
Today, every street has a temple using these speakers and it has become commonplace for them to ring out music at unbearable decibels. Since every other day is an auspicious occasion, the speakers are turned on and life becomes difficult for people living in the nearby areas. The speakers are used irrespective of the time or day. It is on at 3 a.m. in the morning or even when examinations are in progress. So loud is the music that it is impossible to attend a phone call or have a normal conversation. There is a total disregard for an individual's space and privacy. Home is supposed to be a haven and a place of peace, but is turned into free for all musical evening. All of us need divine blessings, but read any holy scripture and you will realize that you feel almighty when every thing is still and serene.
Another nauseating civic nuisance is stinking public toilets, once in a while when it becomes unbearable and you have to visit one, the sight and stench are ‘stomach churning’, thank god some decent ‘sulabh shauchalyas’ have come up on Rajpur road and other places, but we need more of these.
Lack of public toilets mean that people especially males ‘relieve’ themselves in public and that itself is another big shame, irrespective of place and time, these exhibitionists are busy doing ‘full monty’! Urinating in public is the only thing in India which is completely caste free. Rich and poor men, uneducated and ‘high brow’, lower and upper caste men alike have the same lack of shame, the same amount of laziness and the same amount of ‘nonchalance’ to simply open their pants wherever they please. It indeed is democracy, in our country.
Men in India have no embarrassment and they are certainly not intoxicated when they just stop their swanky cars in the middle of traffic jams at Rajpur Road to piss against a wall. Take a bus trip and see how male passengers do not even bother to walk away from the bus to open their pants. Another irritating sight is ‘litter bugs’. You are trailing behind a car and suddenly empty chips foils and chocolate wrappers fly towards you. An absolute ‘no-no’! Common sense is certainly not common now a day!
The serenity and melody of devotional songs meant to bring peace is destroyed when it is played through loud speakers in temples. Further, it becomes a cause of noise pollution.
Today, every street has a temple using these speakers and it has become commonplace for them to ring out music at unbearable decibels. Since every other day is an auspicious occasion, the speakers are turned on and life becomes difficult for people living in the nearby areas. The speakers are used irrespective of the time or day. It is on at 3 a.m. in the morning or even when examinations are in progress. So loud is the music that it is impossible to attend a phone call or have a normal conversation. There is a total disregard for an individual's space and privacy. Home is supposed to be a haven and a place of peace, but is turned into free for all musical evening. All of us need divine blessings, but read any holy scripture and you will realize that you feel almighty when every thing is still and serene.
Another nauseating civic nuisance is stinking public toilets, once in a while when it becomes unbearable and you have to visit one, the sight and stench are ‘stomach churning’, thank god some decent ‘sulabh shauchalyas’ have come up on Rajpur road and other places, but we need more of these.
Lack of public toilets mean that people especially males ‘relieve’ themselves in public and that itself is another big shame, irrespective of place and time, these exhibitionists are busy doing ‘full monty’! Urinating in public is the only thing in India which is completely caste free. Rich and poor men, uneducated and ‘high brow’, lower and upper caste men alike have the same lack of shame, the same amount of laziness and the same amount of ‘nonchalance’ to simply open their pants wherever they please. It indeed is democracy, in our country.
Men in India have no embarrassment and they are certainly not intoxicated when they just stop their swanky cars in the middle of traffic jams at Rajpur Road to piss against a wall. Take a bus trip and see how male passengers do not even bother to walk away from the bus to open their pants. Another irritating sight is ‘litter bugs’. You are trailing behind a car and suddenly empty chips foils and chocolate wrappers fly towards you. An absolute ‘no-no’! Common sense is certainly not common now a day!
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