"The kiss of sun for pardon, the song of the birds for mirth, one is nearer God's Heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth" They till the land; they work in the sun with tireless gust and passion. They are the students of SelaQui World School who along with their leader and teacher Mr. Paulis Massih work hard in the sun and for whom action speaks more than anything else.The Horticulture Club at SelaQui is keenly involved in bringing the children close to Mother Nature and feel its beauty. Full effort is put in by Jude,M Colaco, Abhishek Agarwal
and, Rahul Bhadoria to achieve their goal of turning a barren piece of land into a lush green vegetable garden. Mr. Palius Massih guides the students at each step and encourages them by setting up his own example.
and, Rahul Bhadoria to achieve their goal of turning a barren piece of land into a lush green vegetable garden. Mr. Palius Massih guides the students at each step and encourages them by setting up his own example.
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